重繪香港地圖 Remapping Hong Kong
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Remapping Hong Kong
Dimensions Varied

The projects of demolishing Star Ferry and Queen's Pier, and the Urban Renewal Plans tried to remove the local history and to change the original lives of the residents. Although those spaces belong to the Hong Kong citizens, we do not have power to change anything. The city planning of Hong Kong just considers the political, economic and administrative factors, and does not care about the citizens' feeling and desires. Although the government did not care, I believe we still have our own thinking about our own spaces. It could not be suppressed.

In the exhibition*, I invite audience to draw on the Hong Kong Map, to show their imagination, desire and affection about Hong Kong, which are the things that the policy markers do not care much. After the audience has finished the maps, s/he can pin them on the wall. Everyone is free to express their opinions. Although the exhibition is held at the gallery of Central Library, not at the exact places like Star Ferry and Queen's Pier, perhaps the gallery space can serve as a place for people to contemplate. Someone might ask why I show 2-dimension work at the 3-dimension and Installation Art exhibition. In fact, this work is site-specific and audience involved, which can fall in the category of Installation art. Indeed, when comparing with the form of the art work, I concern more about the people here and the situation of the city, ways of how to draw art into life and the use art to express each individual's view points.

* "2007/08 Visual Arts Thematic Exhibition" is the partnership project of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. They will organise 6 media oriented exhibitions to show the Contemporary art of Hong Kong. The theme of the 1st exhibition is "HarmoNow 3-Dimension and Installation Art Exhibition". The co-presenter is Artist Commune. The show will be held in the Central Library and Cattle Deport from Oct. 25 to Nov. 16, 2007. Then the show will tour to Central Plaza. I was invited to join the show. There will be 30-40 artists in this show. I wish more people can join the show through my works and we can share our feelings about Hong Kong.