Phoebe Ching Ying MAN





Anti480反性暴力資源中心邀請文晶瑩展覽,讓她有機會與一位幸存者文琛合製作品。文琛是筆名,文琛的故事最觸動文晶瑩的是她提到的兩幅畫:開始接受輔導時畫了一幅滿身污垢的兔子,她只有自己的影子陪伴她,也不知道自己要去那裡,並且緊閉雙眼,也不要看見甚麼。經長時間輔導後,她用自己的方法去解開心結,向父親坦言自己的經歷和感受,接了前男友 (侵犯者)的電話,告訴他對她的傷害。之後她畫了一幅畫,白兔再沒有污垢和傷口了,並擁有一雙大眼請,站起來為自己畫畫。那自強的勇氣很觸動文晶瑩。她的剪紙系列有一幅作品「雨」,一個女孩子低下頭站在如雨般落下的「手」中動也不動,無處可逃。作品表達受害者的陰影,帶點無助。看了文琛的文字和繪畫後,她嘗試再做這幅作品,兩年後的她,想畫一雙大手捧著這些雨手,感覺不再無助了,可以用愛去面對和處理。 作品希望通過聆聽、肯定和回應去延伸討論。香港每年有千多宗的強姦非禮案,研究顯示,通常有多達八、九倍的受害人並沒有報案,「分享非禮經驗」更一度是網上討論區uwants.com的最熱門長期問題,可見問題的普遍性和嚴重性。有些女孩子在匿名的情況下才能暢所欲言。她想用作品去回應這些故事,使它們在另一渠道發聲,期望可以引起更多迴響。

The one side of Relay is of words and drawings by a survivor, Man Sum (a pseudonym), while the other is Phoebe Man's paper cutting which is a response of her story.

As invited by Anti-480 Anti-Sexual Violence Resource Centre to join this exhibition, Phoebe Man has the opportunity to work with Man Sum to make an art work. She read the story of Man Sum. Her heart was touched by the description of two drawings. When Man Sum started receiving counseling service, she drew a picture of a lonely dirty rabbit and the only company was its own shadow. The rabbit did not know where to go. Closing its eyes, it did not want to see anything. Later on, she has developed positive ways of solving her own problem. She told her father what happened and how she felt. She even answered phone calls from her ex-boyfriend (the perpetrator) and told him that she was deeply hurt by him. Man Sum drew another picture at the end of the services. This time the rabbit was clean and with no dirt and wounds to be seen. The rabbit was drawing a picture. In her picture Man Sum gave the rabbit two big eyes, so that it could draw. Her courageous has really touched Phoebe and Man Sum's drawing has also reminded her of her work done previously called "RH: Raining", in which is a girl lowering her head, standing in the hand like rain motionlessly. She has nowhere to escape. She remade this work. She wanted to have a big hand to hold these rain hands and feelings of helplessness no longer exist. The big hand can handle and care everything. Her work tried to generate more discussion by listening and responding to the anonymous stories.

According to the figures, in Hong Kong there are more than a thousand cases of sexual assault reported in a year. However, the figures do not reflect the reality. In fact, a lot of victims choose not to report their cases to the police. "Share indecent assaulted experience" was a hot topic on a popular Hong Kong forum ( on the Internet. It shows that sexual assault is a serious and common crime in Hong Kong. However some victims only feel free to talk anonymously. Phoebe wants to use her work to respond to these anonymous stories, hopefully the voice can be louder and be heard.






The Bodylogue: multi-media art exhibition

Organisers: Anti-480 Anti-Sexual Violence Resource Centre and Committee Against Sexual Harassment of City University of Hong Kong
Duration: April 4-10, 2013

Time: 10a.m. – 10p.m.
Location: 4/F, Purple Zone, Academic 1, City University of Hong Kong.