Phoebe Man: Rewriting History-Paper Cutting Series
RH: Snake
50cm x 50cm x 4.5cm


作者答:當有過不愉快的經歷,人很自然會有戒心,不再容易相信人,知道世界上可能會有壞人。(一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草動。) 其實,我對於這樣的想法感到很悲哀。壓抑這些想法對復元並無幫助,反之,若受害人感到四周圍有很多資源和支持,她有更大機會從創傷和惡夢中恢復過來。

I was one asked by a reporter that: Another issue your work brings up is the ongoing fear and suspicion of men that victims of sexual assault experience. Are you concerned that the portrayals of men as potential aggressors - as wolf heads, or hand snakes - perpetuate unfounded fears at the same time as they draw attention to genuine ones?

My answer: When facing stressful event, it is a very human way to develop some kind of coping strategies in order to maintain a balance and health set of mind and self. From one extreme of reaction is the extensive reliance on avoidance strategies, pretending that nothing harmful had been happened in the survivor’s living world. But the suppression of one’s own thought has no place in the process of recovery. In contrast, when the survivor feels confidence that resources and supports are available in her community, she has greater chance to recover from the posttraumatic stress and endless nightmares.

We should never deny that rapists do exist. However, wolf heads and hand snakes appeared only in some part of my work. In "RH: Foot", men can be victims also. In "RH: Shout", men can be helpers. On the whole, at the bottom of the heart, it is the message of building a harmonious relationship between different sexes and a desire of mutual respect that the artist wants to include.