English below



〈家宅平安〉是文晶瑩一個探討有關香港房屋問題的錄像。香港的樓盤廣告,沒有實景,通常只有美女、洋酒、郵輪,顯示高尚生活和象徵掌握權力的意象,所售的建築物都被刻­意放大,營造一種唯我獨尊的駕勢。這類虛假廣告幫地產商建構地產霸權,地產霸權控制香港人生活的多個環節,不少香港人一世都在為房子打工,困在居住問題的樊籠內。〈家宅平安〉把香港多個樓盤廣告、反映現實居住環境的照片與*閃爍方格幻覺 (Scintillating Grid Illusion)穿插在一起,突顯廣告建構的幻象,同時是一個樊籠,讓許多人自投羅網。其實生活是否可以有別的選擇?


Phoebe Ching Ying Man
Home Sweet Home

Phoebe Ching Ying MAN's video "Home sweet Home" is related to the issue of Hong Kong’s housing problem. In Hong Kong, most of the images in the real estate TV commercials are fake. They do not show the real apartments. Beautiful women, palaces, cruises and huge gardens are the usual images. There are images which suggest that one will have power after buying the product. For example, you will be a boss or a commander. The scale of the products (buildings) is often enlarged to show they are unique and powerful. These promotional videos help to construct the developer’s hegemony. The developer’s hegemony controls multiple aspects of people's lives in Hong Kong. Many Hong Kong people spend their whole lives to work for their houses and remain trapped in the housing problem. Phoebe mixed some real estate promotional videos, photos reflecting the real living environment in Hong Kong as well as *scintillating grid illusion in the work to highlight the illusion created by these T V commercials. The images are like cages at the same time. Many people walk into these traps voluntarily. The video reflects the reality and also questions if there are other choices in life.

*The scintillating grid illusion is a classic optical illusion. When you look at it
, for a while, you can see dark dots that seem to be jumping around at random intersections.

Screening History

2012/11/16 Aperture”, Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film and Video Festival, The Annexe, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2012/7/24, 25 Festival IMAGEM-CONTATO, MOSTRA SESC DE ARTES 2012, SESC Pinheiros and SESC Carmo, São Paulo, Brazil.
2012/1/7, 8, 14, 15  Let the Works Speak For Themselves: Installations by Sin Yuen and Phoebe Man, Fotan Artists open Studios, WL1820, Fotan, Hong Kong.